Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My First Pole

I definitely want to know about my fans just as much as you want to know about me.  So my first questions for you are; What's your favorite type of music, do you have any pets, What's your favorite movie, is there any post you really want to see on my blog.  My email is Thanks for responding. :)


Hi all who are checking out my blog for the first time this blog is about being yourself and loving yourself.
I will do easy makeup tutorials and tips, poetry, fashion and whatever else you can think of.  So that leads me to my next point I would really appreciate it if you sent in request and suggestions.  I do this for you guys so I appreciate anything you say my email is and you can contact me through this and i will take your suggestion and if you have a question ill respond within twenty four hours.  thanks for checking out this blog.